Every large consumer-facing #rails app I have worked on has on and off again spikes of cookie overflow issues. It is made infinitely more complex with multiple front end apps. I will be digging into this more over the next couple days.
— Dan Mayer (@danmayer) August 13, 2019
Dan's tweet several weeks ago reminded me of similar issues at Custom Ink. Having numerous Rails applications compose our frontend, a love of A/B testing, and history with Cookie Session overflow errors - every point in his thread hit close to home.
Today however, Memcached backs most of our sessions, but we still have lots of A/B testing cookies on our site and I was super curious to see if our users could be hitting CloudFront's limits. Which limits you might ask? Headers! Combined, including the Cookie
, must not be greater than ~10K
for a Classic Load Balancer origin or ~20K
for an Application Load Balancer origin. If over, you will see an error like one of the following.
The request could not be satisfied.
Bad request.
Generated by cloudfront (CloudFront)
Request ID: tm06OdBjtr9g9Tlc8ml5Kpx6qU3klEYyZ4l-V0qy5NVsCZfDC0uQ9g
400 Bad Request
Request Header Or Cookie Too Large
We need a simple data visualization into our site's cookie usage. The solution should start simple and expand from there. I drafted this histogram of 1K
intervals and the frequency by Count
of page views that I thought would give us a good starting point.
Ideally our method for collecting these insights could be expanded later. For example cookie names and relative sizes might be interesting. Also, doing time-series analysis and pushing that data in real-time for a business intelligence dashboard would be beyond ya yeet. But we have a lot of decisions to make first.
The data we need could reside in many different sources. From Apache/NGINX errors logs (kindda) to instrumentation within your Rails application. Our decisions on how to collect this cookie data were determined by a few factors:
For this and a few other reasons, we settled on a solution pulled almost verbatim from this Global Data Ingestion with Amazon CloudFront and Lambda@Edge AWS blog post. With a few implementation differences and architecture to support our needs:
path which we will attach our Lambda to & collect data.This means our primary tools for collecting and reporting on this data will be:
During this process we learned that both Lambda@Edge and CloudFront cookie logging will capture data up to around 20K
in size. This is well beyond the 10K
error threshold when CloudFront shows a "494 ERROR" page. Meaning, this solution has a lot of headroom past the failure states we are interested in measuring using a Classic Load Balancer origin. So let's starting building!
So the first thing we will need is an AWS Lambda function that we can deploy to a CloudFront distribution. Custom Ink makes use of AWS SAM to develop and deploy our Lambda functions. All code below is an approximation of our code and should work outright or get you started.
First, the index.js
JavaScript file. This was written for nodejs10.x
which is in the list of runtimes deployable to the edge.
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const firehose = new AWS.Firehose();
const RESPONSE = {
body: '',
status: '200',
statusDescription: 'OK',
headers: {
'cache-control': [{ key: 'Cache-Control', value: 'max-age=0, private, must-revalidate' }],
'content-type': [{ key: 'Content-Type', value: 'text/html' }],
'content-encoding': [{ key: 'Content-Encoding', value: 'UTF-8' }]
exports.handler = async function(event, context) {
if (process.env.AWS_REGION !== 'us-east-1') { return; }
let cookies = '';
const headers = event.Records[0].cf.request.headers;
if (headers.cookie && headers.cookie[0].value) {
cookies = headers.cookie[0].value;
const name = 'cloudfront-cookies-lambda-stream';
const size = Math.round(cookies.length / 1000.0);
const time = (new Date()).toISOString();
const data = JSON.stringify({ size: size, timestamp: time }) + '\n';
const params = { DeliveryStreamName: name, Record: { Data: data } };
try {
await firehose.putRecord(params).promise();
} catch (e) {
return RESPONSE;
The code grabs the raw cookie header and measures its length rounded to the nearest 1000 bytes. A JSON payload of that cookie size is pushed to a Kinesis data stream with a timestamp. Finally, the Lambda function returns an empty HTML response avoiding the need to send this request to your origin.
With our Lambda code done, we need a SAM CloudFormation template to create the additional resources to get our data into S3. Here is our template.yaml
file. ⚠️ Do customize the BucketName
since these have to be unique.
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: CloudfrontCookiesLambda
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
FunctionName: cloudfront-cookies-lambda
CodeUri: .
Handler: index.handler
Runtime: nodejs10.x
Timeout: 5
MemorySize: 256
Role: !GetAtt LambdaEdgeFunctionRole.Arn
Type: AWS::IAM::Role
DependsOn: FirehoseStream
Path: /
- arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole
Version: '2012-10-17'
- Effect: Allow
- sts:AssumeRole
- lambda.amazonaws.com
- edgelambda.amazonaws.com
- PolicyName: cloudfront-cookies-lambda-policy
Version: '2012-10-17'
- Effect: Allow
- firehose:PutRecord
- !Sub arn:aws:firehose:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:deliverystream/cloudfront-cookies-lambda-stream
Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
BucketName: !Sub cloudfront-cookies-lambda-bucket
Type: AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream
DependsOn: FirehoseRole
DeliveryStreamName: cloudfront-cookies-lambda-stream
BucketARN: !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${FirehoseSourceDataBucket}
IntervalInSeconds: '60'
SizeInMBs: '5'
CompressionFormat: UNCOMPRESSED
Prefix: firehose
RoleARN: !GetAtt FirehoseRole.Arn
Type: AWS::IAM::Role
DependsOn: FirehoseSourceDataBucket
Version: '2012-10-17'
- Sid: ''
Effect: Allow
Service: firehose.amazonaws.com
Action: 'sts:AssumeRole'
'sts:ExternalId': !Ref 'AWS::AccountId'
Path: '/'
- PolicyName: cloudfront-cookies-lambda-firehose-policy
Version: '2012-10-17'
- Effect: Allow
- s3:*
- !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${FirehoseSourceDataBucket}
- !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${FirehoseSourceDataBucket}/*
This creates an S3 bucket for our data to land into. We create a AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream
and supporting Role which has full permissions to that S3 bucket. Lastly, we create the Lambda and supporting Execution Role which allows our Lambda to firehose:PutRecord
to our newly created Kinesis Data Firehose Delivery Stream. Once you have packaged & deployed this Lambda we are ready to get everything else setup.
Now starts the ClickOps within the AWS Console. Navigate to your CloudFront distribution so we can create a new Behavior.
Use Origin Cache Headers
Forward all, cache based on all
Taking this approach means we can avoid potentially breaking our site with a Lambda@Edge in an error state. Doing so would be disastrous since it could take up to 40 minutes to redeploy fixes to all edge locations.
Now to deploy our Lambda to "The Edge" on the new myanalytics/cookies
Behavior created above. Navigate to Lambda in the AWS Console and select our cookie Lambda.
(IMPORTANT)Origin request
Our myanalytics/cookies
endpoint now needs data and asynchronous JavaScript is great candidate to achieve this. Here is a small snippet that you can attach to your site or deploy via something like Google Tag Manager which also makes it very easy to turn this data stream off/on.
(function() {
var cookieURL = '/myanalytics/cookies';
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open('GET', cookieURL, true);
request.onload = function() {};
request.onerror = function() {};
You can verify data is flowing in by visiting the Monitoring tab within your Data Firehouse Delivery Stream. You should see something like this.
Finally, and assuming everything else is working, what good is data if we can not visualize it? If you are new to QuickSight, here are some fun links to get you started.
Assuming you have a QuickSight account setup in your AWS Organization, we need to do a few things to ensure QuickSight has access to our CloudFront cookie S3 bucket, called our data source.
From the QuickSight main page. Manage QuickSight ->
Security & permission ->
QuickSight access to AWS services ->
Add or remove
If Amazon S3 is not clicked, select it. If it is, click "Details" then "Select S3 buckets" and finally select your CloudFront cookie bucket. This will allow QuickSight to access the data.
From the QuickSight main page. Manage Data ->
New data set ->
S3 and enter the following information.
CloudFront Cookies
(see below, replace S3 bucket name)
"fileLocations": [
"URIPrefixes": [
"globalUploadSettings": {
"format": "JSON",
"containsHeader": false,
"delimiter": "\n",
"textqualifier": "'"
So what is happening here? The URIPrefixes
allows us to point QuickSight to our S3 bucket. The prefix/path is up to you. Kinesis will automatically create directory style paths for the dates. For example, we could measure all October in 2019 data by using the path /firehose2019/10
. QuickSight allows you to refresh data sources and change this later on.
Finally, we get to see our data! From the QuickSight main page, click on "New analysis" then choose your "CloudFront Cookies" data source. Select the "Vertical Bar Chart" visual type and basically make a simple size over size analysis like this. Congrats, you can now track your CloudFront cookie sizes!
I hope you enjoyed learning a bit about Lambda@Edge and using Kinesis with QuickSight in this post. From here you should be able to do all sorts of cool things. Hope these articles below give you some good ideas and we would love to hear from you if you like this post or had other ideas. Thanks!