Introducing the activerecord-collection_cache_key Gem

Today we're releasing a backport gem of a new feature in Rails 5—cache keys for ActiveRecord collections. It tracks fairly closely with the implementation seen in the Rails source but has a few minor differences arising from support back to AR 3. We've certainly been missing this feature for a long time and hope it comes in handy.

Rails already has fairly advanced fragment caching available at the view layer—if you wanted to cache the rendered representation of a collection of objects, you could do something like this:

  <% cache @cached_things do %>
    <% @cached_things.each do |cached_thing| %>
        <td><%= %></td>
        <td><%= cached_thing.description %></td>
        <td><%= cached_thing.status %></td>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>

With caching enabled, you'd see a fragment read/write in your console that looks something like the following:


That key includes a few data points. There's a key for each record in the collection that includes the id and updated_at timestamp. There's also a digest of the template fragment's content, so the cache can be invalidated when the cached part of the template changes. This is pretty great, but it requires that each instance of CachedThing be initialized by ActiveRecord. As collection sizes grow this begins to significantly cut into the benefits of caching. Implementing #cache_key at the collection level allows us to cache upstream of AR object initialization, making rendering from cache a matter of linear time.


Add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'activerecord-collection_cache_key'

and run bundle. The gem will be autorequired and will augment ActiveRecord::Base with a .collection_cache_key method, as well as adding a #cache_key method to Activerecord::Relation


You can call #cache_key on any activerecord relation to get a deterministic key for use with the Rails cache interface, and caching of a response can be implemented at the controller layer for maximum performance gains:

def index
  @collection = CachedThing.where(status: 'published')
  Rails.cache.fetch(@collection.cache_key) do

This is a simplistic example; a real-world implementation would most likely need to handle things like response format, query params, or anything else that could manipulate the output in a unique way given the same collection. You'll be able to read all about how we're using it in an upcoming post.

Key Format

Cache keys look the same as the official Rails implementation:


Where the MD5 digest is a hash of the output of Relation#to_sql, and the timestamp is the most recent updated_at (or :timestamp_column of your choice) of the matching records in the collection.


While keys from this gem follow the same format as the Rails implementation, they are not identical. There are three notable ways in which they differ:

That's it!

Give the code a look, try it out, and let us know what you think!

by Dan Drinkard