Welcome Josh Born!

The CustomInk technology team wants to extend a warm welcome to our newest member, Josh Born. Josh wasted no time and hopped onto the deploy train today for his first production release.

At CustomInk we like to continuously deploy changes to our site. This means no sprints, no iterations, no milestones. We work, and when we are satisfied with our work, we deploy it. On average, engineers deploy updates to our site about five to seven times a day.

We like to manage our deployments in a very low fidelity way, which was inspired largely by the engineers at Etsy. We call it the "deploy train" and it's nothing more then a virtual line managed by our campfire topic.

Campfire Deploy Train

When you are ready to deploy a change, you add yourself to the end of the deploy train and simply wait for your turn. The responsibility of the engineer at the front of the deploy train is to merge, deploy, and verify his or her changes in production. When the engineer is satisfied, they take themselves off the list and notify the next engineer in line that it is their turn.

Josh ponders his first release

This will be the first of many deploys for Josh. We are very excited to have him on board and look forward to his next release, sometime later this week.

Josh releases his first code

by Karle Durante